From Faith To Freedom

From Faith To FreedomYuktiyuktamupa’deyam’ vacanam’ ba’laka’dapi anyam’trn’amiva tyajyamapyuktam’ padmajanmana’.

[Even if a young boy says something logical it should be accepted; and even if the lotus-born Brahma’ (the mythological creator of this universe) says something illogical, it should be rejected like a straw.]

Advice of ancient Indian sages

Once there was a hunter – well, in some ways, aren’t we all? One day this hunter captured a very strange bird in his net. Just as the hunter was about to grab the bird, she spoke to him, saying “Hunter, don’t you know that if you kill me and eat me I can provide only a few mouthfuls to one so big and strong as you. In no time you will have forgotten me altogether. But if you should spare me, then I shall give you three pieces of advice which will benefit you for all the rest of your life.”

The hunter was very impressed with this offer. He asked how the transaction could be arranged so that he would be sure to have his three pieces of advice and she could feel secure in obtaining her freedom. The bird suggested, “I will tell you the first piece of advice while still in your net. If you are satisfied, I will offer the second piece of advice from a branch of that nearby tree. And again, if you are satisfied, the last piece of advice I will call out to you from atop of yonder hill.” In this way a deal was struck between a tiny but clever bird and the giant but simple hunter.

“My first piece of advice,” said the bird, “is never to regret losing anything once it is gone.” The hunter thought a moment and appreciated the wisdom in this maxim. He asked for the second piece of advice. From the nearby branch the bird spoke, “Never believe anything you’re told if it is illogical.” Again the hunter found it easy to appreciate the wisdom of the tiny bird’s advice, and he consented to her flying out of reach before hearing the third piece of advice.

From the hilltop the bird laughed and cried out, “You foolish man, in my belly there is a large diamond of immense value. Had you but kept me you would have been rich today beyond imagination.” Immediately the hunter became confused – could he recapture the bird? No, that was not possible, so he sat down and started to lament his mistake. After some time he remembered that the bird had not given him the third piece of advice. He felt that, even if he could not have the diamond, at least he was entitled to one more pearl of knowledge. So at last the hunter looked up and, addressing the bird, requested the third and final piece of advice.

But now that tiny bird only chirped and flew away.